Primary Care Provider Perspectives

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Primary care providers' thoughts and experience on treating hepatitis C and high-incidence populations are sought in a research study. Experience treating hep C is NOT necessary to participate.

A mini-lesson on R-nought

What is R-nought and what is it not?

Slides from 10-minute lesson on what R-nought is and what it is not

A mini-lesson about vaccines

Learn about the stages of vaccine development and ethical issues in 10 minutes.


1958 BC forest map

There is a wealth of information still trapped in printed maps, like these ones about forest cover in BC.

Location of emergency services and collisions in Vancouver

How well placed are emergency services in Vancouver? Are they near where car accidents frequently result in injuries or death? Are hospitals located nearby?

False Creek and Flooding

One of Vancouver's lowest areas is also a site of development. What is vulnerable to a storm surge in False Creek?

Storm surge risk in Vancouver

Storm surge risk area in Vancouver

Vancouver already has seen significant flooding. With sea-level rise and greater storm surges from stronger weather patterns, the risk is only growing. These maps show major road length susceptible to flooding, and the flood risk of a planned hospital.

Affordable rental housing, Vancouver versus Montreal

Vancouver, Autumn 2019

Maps highlighting the percentage and distribution of tenant households in Vancouver and Montreal show that both housing price and affordability for tenants are strikingly different.

Change in Intellectual and physical climates during long wait for Garibaldi project

Mountains North of Vancouver

A resort at Garibaldi has been a dream of skiers and developers alike for a generation. The fish in the streams, mule deer and mountain goats have lived out their generations in peace that may soon be disturbed. Time has barely passed for the ancient trees they live among.